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Trailer modifications

November 4 2008 at 3:44 PM
Paul  (no login)

Some of the time on very steep ramps I don't have to get wet, but on this particular ramp at Commodore Yacht Club, I do.
[linked image]
The rear wheel of the tow vehicle has to be in the water up to touching the bottom of the tire rim, in order to retrieve the boat. It sure would be a lot easier than balancing on those steel channels, if I put in a floor that extended all the way out to those first two side rollers you see in the photo. It would essentially be solid from frame to frame, allowing the two keel rollers to protrude up through and do the same job they are now. It would allow me to hop up there and manhandle the boat on the platform prior to pulling it up onto the trailer. Now this job is done partically standing in the water, and partially balancing on those white steel stringers.

FORGET driving the boat onto the trailer, that's the best way I know to do some serious damage to the boat. It has NO STEERING at slow speed anyway, and it's tough to get in the boat when you're driving the truck too. Basically we'll paddle over or just toss a line and pull the boat onto the trailer. Although I could drive it onto the trailer like a bass boat, I come from a wood boat background and I would never do that with a mahogany hull, it needs more gentle handling than that. I launch and retrieve all the time alone (by hand, the slow and careful way), but as you can see in this photo, I did have some help happy.gif

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This particular ramp at Cedar Creek Yacht Club is very steep and the back wheels of the tow vehicle hardly have to get wet here,
[linked image]
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I've been on HUNDREDS of trailer trips, know the drill very well, have done it myself alone on many an occasion, but I'm still looking for tips and a better way to avoid breaking my neck.

Comments apprecaited! happy.gif



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