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Good point !

September 30 2008 at 8:16 AM
Paul  (no login)

Response to settings

Bill, you have a good point about the specific mounting conditions. The marine settig for CC would encompass the entire range of applications from small runabouts to the larger boats up to 35'. The mounting angles in these boats does vary quite a bit, especially during running conditions such as a nose up running condition in a runabout. This is magnified with a runabout due to the fact that if the motor is an inboard, the installation angle is pretty steep to begin with.

This because quite interesting with my Edelbrock swap on the 327F, the carb fit nice, worked pretty well, but I discovered some conditions when the gravity controlled parts were starting to bind. I had the choice of using a wedge or grinding on the parts. Since I had the wedge on another boat, I made the swap to see how it worked and it worked just fine. Without the wedge the carb would not work properly out of the box, therefore it had to be adapted to the specific running condition as you noted. Float settings, etc., are all undoubtedly a compromise within the range of expectations, across the board. One only wonders what the ideal setting would be for each individual boat.



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