I have a 1978 45' TF in California. My wife and I experienced the same problem of the forward bunks getting soaked. We first changed the gaskets around the portholes and replaced with new, the old hatches that had been leaking. Still the bunks would get soaked while running in a trailing sea. Convinced that it could only be comming from one of these two places, I went on the dock and sprayed the portholes with the dock hose while my wife checked for leaks. Sure enough, the portholes were leaking. However, they were not leaking from the gaskets. The water was comming in from between the retainer ring and the frame that holds the glass in. Rather than pull it apart and reseal it with silicone, I carfully masked off the portholes(from outside) both the glass and frame leaving room for about a 3/16" bead of clear silicone that I smoothed off with my finger. Looking at it from dock or the inside of the boat you cannot tell and my bunks stay dry.